
    推荐几个足彩外围app的气候行动中, 生态系统和生物多样性, there’s particular focus on our carbon footprint and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

    使用棕榈油掌上温室气体计算器, 推荐几个足彩外围app每年监测推荐几个足彩外围app的棕榈业务的温室气体排放, and are taking steps to implement innovative and adaptive measures to mitigate these. We’re exceptional amongst palm producers globally in that our operations are significantly climate-positive, i.e. 推荐几个足彩外围app的种植园吸收的二氧化碳比排放的多(负二氧化碳排放). The 棕榈油 GHG calculator results are backed up by independent scientific assessments (HCS+ Science Report 2015) and peer reviewed papers.

    Our above ground carbon stock has been systematically mapped with airborne LiDAR in all our concessions prior to any new development. The result of carbon stratification is then integrated into the land use map to conserve high carbon stock area alongside the HCV area.


    The key factor in achieving a carbon neutral and climate friendly operation is site selection, 包括避免泥炭的发展, and the allowance of sequestration from regeneration of conservation areas and palm planting on low carbon stock areas.

    作为推荐几个足彩外围app持续改进计划的一部分, we’ve a biogas facility in Awala mill to further reduce emission from operation and provide renewable energy.

    推荐买球平台致力于在土地准备过程中实现零燃烧, 种植或再种植, however open burning during dry season is a common practice by local communities to prepare land for farming. 

    推荐买球平台 Palm 加蓬 has established Fire Prevention SOP to prohibit burning activities in our plantation and prevent fire outbreak from area nearby to our plantations. 在漫长的旱季,在稀树草原地区进行消防巡逻. We also offer incentives for village representatives who successfully remain committed to stop related burning activities, 保持警惕,防止村庄里的其他人从事这些活动.

    如果识别出热点, fire is reported and extinguished immediately to prevent the spread of fire to adjacent areas.  所有火灾事故都有适当的记录. 截至2019年12月, 年内共确定了25个热点地区, 96%的热点发生在旱季(6月至9月), 所有的火锅都位于Mouila和Ndende种植园, 每次火灾都在24小时内被扑灭. 

    维持水质是推荐几个足彩外围app的首要工作. We identify and exclude riparian zones and steep areas from development to maintain the quality of water bodies in and adjacent to our sites.

    推荐几个足彩外围app保护所有河流, 小溪和湖泊与宽阔, 植被缓冲区,以防止沉积物, 化肥和其他农用化学品不能到达地表水. 推荐几个足彩外围app仔细控制施肥的时间和数量, 还有其他输入, 尽量减少渗入地下水位, and our mills are built to maximise water efficiency and to treat wastewater to ensure safe levels. 看到 棕榈油 河岸保护区管理及修复手册 -河岸管理标准作业程序简化指引. 

    作为推荐几个足彩外围app环境和水资源管理计划的一部分, we monitor water quality by carrying out sampling in addition to maintaining forested riparian areas and planting cover crops to prevent erosion.

    Palm oil mill effluent (POME) sampling is conducted in all of our palm oil mills (Awala and Mouila Bilala Palm Oil Mill), 生化需氧量(BOD),chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other waste water parameters are tested by accredited laboratory. POME不允许直接排放到水道中, and it’s treated in effluent treatment plant to reduce the pollutant load of final aerobic supernatant down to levels stipulated by the authority. 

    推荐几个足彩外围app还解决了社区对可靠供水的需求, 并在推荐几个足彩外围app种植园周围的村庄钻探或修复水井和水泵.


    A treasure trove of 14th century artefacts was discovered deep within a conservation area of 推荐买球平台’s palm plantation in 加蓬.


    Managing palm plantations in a biodiversity rich country like 加蓬 requires extensive efforts to support and safeguard the country’s 自然 heritage. 


    你是否有兴趣和推荐几个足彩外围app的国家管理团队谈谈, 询问推荐几个足彩外围app的产品或与推荐几个足彩外围app合作, 推荐几个足彩外围app想听听你的意见.
